Woodside Baptist School

Clay Schreiber, School Administrator

Our purpose is to develop: leadership, learn practical lifetime responsibilities, and preparation for ministries in the lives of children by assisting parents in the development of their children’s individual potentials through a church school program designed for home-schooled students.

Our History

In 1990, when WBC was 2 years old, Pastor and Mrs. Scott became concerned about the schedule of their family. The lack of family time in the midst of their children’s education and their many other activities was becoming overwhelming. It was during that year that they felt convicted to home-school their children. As the spring closed out that school year, they also became impressed with the church families who would also decide on home-schooling. The criticism of that day was that home-schooled children missed out on social interaction of the “normal” school child. Also, they missed out on many prosperous and fun activities a school provided.

God firmly impressed Mrs. Scott with an idea of a school for home-schooled students. It was Pastor and Mrs. Scott’s intention to invent a school that would allow a social challenge in interaction with other children, besides siblings, in a spiritual atmosphere which fostered spiritual leadership and fellowship skills. Research was followed by discussions with the deacons and the church body, which led to the establishment of a new kind of school. This school would meet the needs of WBC parents who chose to home school their children. Many years later, and with much growth and some changes, God continues to bless this ministry of WBC–All for God’s glory.

Important School Documents

8500 E Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80147  •  Contact Us 303-322-5730

8500 E Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80147 

Contact Us 303-322-5730